fmdaiaÜfmdakaâ !
bkaoshdfõ whsmSt,a ;,shg iudkj ,xldfjkq;a 20-20 ;,shla iQodkï lrkakg oskj, ,ys,ysfha lghq;= isÿ jqK nj Tn okakjd'
wo jk úg ta ms<sn| jd¾;djkafka lK.dgqodhs mqj;la'
ta cQ,s ui w.oS mj;ajkakg ;snQ tia't,a'mS't,a' ;,sh ,nk jirg l,a oud we;s njls' fï oskj, Y%S ,xld l%slÜ mßmd,k lafIa;%fha mj;sk wjq, iy.;Ndjh;a fuu lghq;a;g bkaoshdj úfrdaOh m<l< miq wfkla úfoaY rgj,ao miai .eiSu;a fuu l,a oeóug fya;=ù ;sfnk nj jd¾;d jkjd'
fuutia't,a'mS't,a ;,sh wdrïNfha isgu ixúOdkh ms<sn| iel u;=j ;snQ w;r th Ndrf.k ;snQ frã kue;s bkaoshdkq cd;slhd ñka by; whsmSt,a ;,sfha jxpd lsysmhlg yiqù bka mkakd oeuQ wfhl= njo lshejqKd'
,efnk wdrxÑ wkqj fuu ;,sh l,a oeuQ nj lSj;a th l,a oeuqjd fkdj we;a;gu isÿj we;af;a th w;yer oud we;s njhs'
fuu ;,sh .ek f.disma ,xld fmr ,sms
The proposed SLPL T 20 2011 organised in similar fashion the IPL in India was given wide publicity and was to commence on 19th July 2011.The SLC authorities were very busy in organising this tournament with a lot of enthusiasm.
Mainly due to the non participation of the Indian players, the organisers had to postpone the tournament for next year, mainly due to the sudden change in Administration in the Interim committee of the SLC and after the Indian players were banned from participating. The players from other countries too have not shown much interest. From the beginning there were doubts that the SLPL would get off the blocks without hindrance. One’ Reddy’ from India had taken the responsibility of organising the players from India. It is now learnt that he had been expelled from the IPL for alleged misappropriation of funds.
Although it has been said it is postponed to avoid embarrassment, it had been scrapped altogether.
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