.Ksld jD;a;sfha kshe<S isáfha hhs fpdaokd ,en m%lg fg,s kdgH ks<shl wo oyj,a ñßydk fmd,sia w;awvx.=jg m;ajqKd'
m%lg fu.d fg,s kdgHhla jk zñ,dZ ys m%Odk fkdjk mQckS kue;s pß;hg mKfmjQ wehf.a ku wmg jd¾;d jQfha wkqIald fidkd,s idhlaldr f,isks' 28 yeúßos úfha miqjkakshl jk weh isá .Ksld ksjdih jg,k wjia:dfõ wfkdaud jika;s ^33& kï ;j;a ldka;djlo isá w;r Tjqka fofoku fmd,sia w;awvx.=jg m;ajQ nj jd¾;d fjkjd'
ñ,dys mQckS f,i weh fmkS isá cjksldjla krUkak
The popular Tele Actress in ‘MILA’ involved in a sex scandal has been caught and arrested by the Mirihana Police, while in a brothel house with another associate 33 year old, Anoma Vasanthi. It is learnt that in this popular had portrayed a supporting role in the Tele Drama. Her name is Anushka Sonali Sayakkara . She is 28 years old. The video below shows the manner she portrayed the supporting role in the Tele Drama.
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