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Mervin Jothipala & Water Bucket

Written By Anonymous on Wednesday, July 6, 2011 | 3:08 PM

u¾úka fcda;smd, iy
j;=r mksÜgqj

wo ^7& keiS.sh ckm%sh .dhl tÉ wd¾ fcda;smd,f.a wkqiaurK oskhhs'fï ksñ;af;ka iriúh mqj;am; fcda;smd,hka ms<sn| úúO mqoa.,hska olajk woyia /.;a úfYaIdx. ,smshla bosßm;a lr ;sfnkjd' fuu ,smshg woyia oelaùug l,d ,xld mokfï kj iNdm;s hhs lshk wud;H u¾úka is,ajdjo tlalrf.k ;sfnkjd'
tysoS Tyq olajd ;sfnk wmQre woyi fufiah'
zux fn,s w;af;' fndfydu fyd| .eñfhla' wms b;ska f.dfâ Woúh ksid yßu wdihs k¿ ks<sfhd .dhl .dhsldfjd olskak' wfma ;d;a;g lvhla ;snqK' tlojila talg fcda;s wdjd'Tkak b;ska fld,af,d l=reÜfgd fiaru Tyq jglr.;a;d'tod ;uhs ux uq,skau fcda;s tlal l;d lf<a'uq,skau l;d lf<a fcda;s uy;auhd lsh, wfma ñ;%;ajh o¿,d jefvk fldg Tyq ug fcda;s jqKd' miafia upx jqKd'
fcda;s reyqKg wdfjd;a wfma f.or tkak wu;l lrkafk kE'ta wdmqjyu wfma f.or j;a; my< <s|g .syska kdkak Tyq f.dvla m%sh l<d' b;ska fcda;sg j;=r weo, fokafk uu'Tyq mksÜgqj wrf.k T¨jg y<d .kakjd' b;ska fcda;smd, lshk wiydh .dhlhg tod j;=r weo, ÿkafka uuhsZ

To commemorate the death anniversary of popular singer H.R.Jothipala, The Sarasaviya paper has published several commemorative messages by many reputed personnel about this legendary singer. The new President of the ‘Kala Lanka Foundation’ has added an extraordinary message to the Sarasaviya paper.
“I hail from Beliatta and I am a very cultured villager. Since we are from very remote back ground, we love to meet and see film stars and singers. My father was running a boutique and one day Jothipala when he was passing stopped at our boutique. When the news went around many villagers and fans of Jothi, surrounded him. This was the first occasion I got the opportunity to talk to him. Initially I addressed him as Jothi ‘Mahattaya’ .As our friendship developed I used to call him just ’Jothi’ and then when we became very intimate it became ’Machan’.
It was a practice for Jothi to visit us whenever he happened to come to Ruhuna .He loved to take a bath from the well that was in our rear compound. It became a habit for me draw water from the well in a bucket for him to pour it on him. For this popular singer I had drawn water from our well for him to bathe.”


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