fld< lE,s j, Pkao oeïfï biairh',xldfõ oeka yeu fohu oshqKq fjk ld,hhs''
Pkao m%ldY lsÍu;a bf,lafg%dksl hka;% j,g mejÍug oeka ld,h t<eU ;sfí'
kj ue;sjrK flduidßia uyskao foaYm%sh uy;d Bfha lshd isáfha" bf,lafg%dksl hka;% wdOdrfhka Pkao oeóu <`.oSu furgg y÷kajd fok njh' fuu l%ufhaoS Pkao m;%sld msrùug wjYH ke;s w;r Pkao fmd<g f.dia ;uka leu;s mlaIh fyda mqoa.,hd bosßfha fnd;a;u tîu l< hq;=h'Pkao .Kkh lsÍuo ta fudfydf;au iajhxl%shj isÿ fjhs'
kshuq jHdmD;shla f,i bosß ue;sjrKhloS fuu l%uh w;ayod n,k nj;a fï i|yd bkaoshdfõ l%shd;aul lrk moaO;s wdkhkh lrkakg woyia lrk nj;a Tyq lSh'
ish¨u foaYmd,k mlaI wu;d fï kj l%uh .ek woyia úuid ;sfnk nj jeäÿrg;a lS flduidßiajrhd Tjqka ish,a,u fujeks l%uhla wkqu; lr we;s njo lshd isáfhah'
flfia fj;;a fï Tiafia zfldïmshqg¾ cs,audÜ l%uZ we;sfõo hk ielh .ek flduidßiajrhd lsisjla lshd ke;'
It was a ballot paper that was hitherto used for all our Elections since gaining Independence. With new innovations it is now time for Sri Lanka also to change into a more sophisticated method of conducting polls. The Elections Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya added that very soon elections would be conducted using electronic devices dispensing with the ballot boxes used hitherto. To vote once this system is introduced, the voter would only have to press buttons to elects his candidate and his preferred party. The counting too is made electronically.
The proposed system is to commence shortly and would be made as a trial and is to be introduced to Sri Lanka by the “Puddathi Institue” of India. All leaders and members of political parties are to be summoned by the Elections Commissioner in this regard to obtain views. But it is learnt that they have however agreed unanimously for the implementation of this new innovation.
They want to clear all doubts that this system would be devoid of any ‘Computer Gilmart’.
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