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Police Tracks Cell Phone Thieves

Written By Anonymous on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 | 3:36 PM

;rx. u.ska f*dka w,a,k l%uh werfUhs
fmd,sish f*daka fidrlï oe, t<hs

f*daka tlla fidrlï lrdu fudlo lrkafka@
iuyre fmd,sishg hkjd' iuyre ys; yodf.k fjk tlla .kakjd'
fidrlu ksid isïm; ke;sùfï m%Yakhg kï cx.u ÿrl;k iud.u j.lshkjd'
ta;a lkagelaia ke;sùu kï m%Yakhla'
fuf,i f*daka fidrlï isoaO jqK miq ;dlaIKh Ndú;fhka fmd,sishg f*dka fidhdfokak neßo@''''''''''''±ka talg;a úi÷ula ,eì,d'
fidrlï l< yd wkai;= cx.u ÿrl:k mdúÉÑ lrkakka w;awvx.=jg f.k tu ÿrl:k uq,a ysñlrejkag ,nd§fï jevms<sfj<la kqf.af.dv yÈis weu;=ï wxYh u.ska wrUd ;sfnkjd' kùk ;dlaIKh fhdod fidrlï l< ÿrl:khlg ´kEu isï ldâm;la oud l=uk m%foaYhl isg weu;=ï ,nd.;a;o ;rx. yryd th y÷kd .ekSug yels w;r th m%dfhda.slj ls%hd;aul lsÍug kqf.af.dv yÈis weu;=ï wxYh lghq;= lrkjd' fï hgf;a ±kgu;a f*dka 20la muK fidrlï w,a,d ÿka nj;a ;j;a 30l muK mÍlaIK wrUd we;s nj;a fmd,sish lshkjd'
wkHhka mdúÉÑ l< cx.u ÿrl:k ñ,§ .ekSfï§ m%fõiï jk f,i;a fmd,sish okajd ;sfnkjd'

What happens when a cell phone is robbed?
Some complain to the Police while others make up their minds. However the cell phone companies take responsibility for the sim cards. But they are helpless about the contacts embedded in them.
After a cell phone is lost can any person go to a Police station and obtain redress through modern technology? Now a solution to the problem has been found.
Phones robbed and the usage of third party cell phones those involved could be found or located and arrested through a system introduced via a new system established at Nugegoda, urgent communication unit According to the latest technology any phone used with a lost sim could be identified through air waves. This is monitored by this new unit. Up to now 20 such lost phones have been found and 30 other cases are being investigated.
Police has warned the public in purchasing used cell phones.


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